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Magick Mondays - Charging a Tool (The Method I Use)
Magick Mondays - Charging a Tool (The Method I Use) Charging a magickal tool is a basic form of energy Magick used to consecrate a piece...
Freyja’s Friday - Lyndwyrms
Freyja’s Friday - Lyndwyrms Lindwyrms are serpent like creatures similar to that of a wyvern. They are long snake like creatures with...
My Top 5 Favourite Norse Animals
My Top 5 Favourite Norse Animals 5-Freyja’s Cats Freyja’s chariot is pulled by her two cats Bygul ‘Bee gold’ and Trjegul ‘Tree gold.’ A...
My Top 5 Fantastic Witchy Tea brews
My Top 5 Fantastic Witchy Tea brews 5- Mugwort Tea Add 1 tsp of Mugwort (Washed) to 250ml of boiling water and steep for 1-2 Minutes and...
Witchy Wednesday - Coltsfoot
Witchy Wednesday - Coltsfoot Coltsfoot is a member of the compositae family of plants, it is similar in appearance to dandelion but has...
Magick Mondays - Sitri
Magick Mondays - Sitri Sitri is the twelfth entity of the Goetia and rules over the 60 legions of the infernal host and appears with a...
Freyja’s Friday - Havamal 11
Freyja’s Friday - Havamal 11 Better gear than good sense, A traveler cannot carry, A more tedious burden than too much drink A traveler...
Witchy Wednesday - Betony
Witchy Wednesday - Betony Betony is a member of the mint family and a woodland perrenial with a square stem and large Purple flowers. It...
Magick Mondays- Creating a Sigil
Magick Mondays- Creating a Sigil Creating a Sigil One major cornerstone in all magick is the use of sigils. No matter what path you go...
Freyja's Fridays - Einmandur
Freyja’s Friday - Einmandur Einmanudur - 14th March - 13th Apr A time to celebrate Ostara or Easter the goddess of spring with march...
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