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Magick Mondays - Sallos
Magick Mondays - Sallos Sallos is the nineteenth entity of the Goetia and rules over 30 legions of the infernal host. He appears as a...

Freyja's Friday - Havamal 18
Freyja's Friday - Havamal 18 He who has seen and suffered much, And knows the ways of the world, Who has traveled', can tell what spirit...

Witchy Wednesday - Eyebright
Witchy Wednesday - Eyebright Eyebright is an annual herb native to the British Isles and America and is also known as Euphrasia, it...

Magick Mondays - Colour and Magick
Magick Monday - Colour and Magick From choosing a candle to what to draw your sigils in Colour in magick is very important as they help...

Freyja's Friday - Blood Eagle
Freyja's Fridays - Blood Eagle One of the worst executions a person could go through was the Blood Eagle, it was intended for those...

Witchy Wednesday - Calendula
Witchy Wednesday - Calendula Calendula is a Mediterannean plant grown commonly in gardens. It has pale green leaves with long stalks and...

Magick Mondays - Bathin
Magick Mondays - Bathin Bathin is the eighteenth entity of the Goetia and rules over 30 legions of the infernal host. He appears to the...

Freyja's Fridays - Havamal 17
Freyja's Fridays - Havamal 17 When he meets friends, the fool gapes, Is shy and sheepish at first, Then he sips his mead and immediately...

Witchy Wednesday - Bloodroot
Witchy Wednesdays - Bloodroot Bloodroot otherwise known as Sanguinaria canadensis, is a flowering perrenial native to North american...

Magick Mondays - Servitors (The Method I Use)
Mondays - Servitors (The Method I Use) The idea behind creating a servitor is to create an entity to help you in your endeavours,...
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