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Witchy Wednesday - Mistletoe
Witchy Wednesday - Mistletoe Mistletoe is the common english name for a parasitic plant which grows on and up the sides of predominantly...

Magick Mondays - Rune Chains (part 1)
Magick Mondays - Rune Chains (part 1) A recently found and really good way to use the magick of runes is to create something called a...

Freyja’s Friday - Havamal 55
Freyja’s Friday - Havamal 55 It is best for man to be middle-wise, Not over cunning and clever: The fairest life is led by those Who are...

Witchy Wednesdays - Magickal names
Witchy Wednesdays - Magickal names Eye of Newt Eye of newt is another name for Mustard Seeds. It is said that if you carry these seeds...
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