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Freyja’s Friday - Vard.
Freyja’s Friday - Vard. Vard is the soul double of man and is more commonly known by the name, ghost. When the body dies the vard is...

Freyja’s Friday - Havamal 13
Freyja’s Friday - Havamal 13 forget is the name men give the heron ,Who hovers over the fast: Fettered I was in his feathers that night,...

Freyja’s Friday - Gaukmanudur (Start of Nottleysa or Nightless)
Freyja’s Friday - Gaukmanudur (Start of Nottleysa or Nightless) Gaukmanudur - 14th Apr- 13th May April 14th was one of the three...

Freyja’s Friday - Havamal 12
Freyja’s Friday - Havamal 12 Less good than belief would have it ,Is mead for the sons of men: A man knows less the more he drinks,...

Freyja’s Friday - Lyndwyrms
Freyja’s Friday - Lyndwyrms Lindwyrms are serpent like creatures similar to that of a wyvern. They are long snake like creatures with...

Freyja’s Friday - Havamal 11
Freyja’s Friday - Havamal 11 Better gear than good sense, A traveler cannot carry, A more tedious burden than too much drink A traveler...

Freyja's Fridays - Einmandur
Freyja’s Friday - Einmandur Einmanudur - 14th March - 13th Apr A time to celebrate Ostara or Easter the goddess of spring with march...

Freyja’s Friday- Havamal 10
Freyja’s Friday- Havamal 10 Better gear than good sense A traveller cannot carry, Better than riches for a wretched man, Far from his...

Freyja’s Friday - Norse Horses
Freyja’s Friday - Norse Horses Horses play a huge role in the lifestyle and culture of the Norsemen as well as in their Myths and Sagas...

Freyja’s Friday - Havamal 9
Freyja’s Friday - Havamal 9 Blessed is he who in his own lifetime Is awarded praise and wit, For ill counsel is often given By mortal...
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