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Freyja’s Friday - Asgardr
Freyja’s Friday - Asgardr The first of the three home worlds is Asgardr, Home to the Aesir a tribe of gods, including Thor, Loki, Odin...

Freyja’s Friday - Havamal 8
Freyja’s Friday - Havamal 8 Fortunate is he who is favored in his lifetime With praise and words of wisdom: Evil counsel is often given...

Freyja’s Friday - Goa
Freyja’s Friday - Goa Goa - 12th Feb - 13th March (Sowing) This was the time of the year to plant the first seeds, it was also Womens...

Freyja’s Fridays - Havamal 7
Freyja’s Fridays - Havamal 7 A guest should be courteous When he comes to the table And sit in wary silence, His ears attentive, his eyes...

Freyja’s Friday - Helheimr
Freyja’s Friday - Helheimr Helheimr is one on the nine norse realms and where the dis honourable dead go, the most evil of them going to...

Freyja’s Friday - Havamal 6
Freyja’s Friday - Havamal 6 Of his knowledge a man should never boast, Rather be sparing of speech When to his house a wiser comes:...

Freyja’s Friday- Thorri
Freyja’s Friday- Thorri Thorri - 13th Jan - 11th Feb (Bore Frost) The mans month, every man could choose a day and if the weather was...

Freyja’s Fridays - Havamal 5
Freyja’s Fridays - Havamal 5 Who travels widely needs his wits about him, The stupid should stay at home: The ignorant man is often...

Freyja’s Fridays - Vordr
Freyja’s Fridays - Vordr Vordr or “Wardens” are guardian spirits otherwise known as a wraith. They dwell beneath the roots of a families...

Freyja’s Fridays - Havamal 4
Freyja’s Fridays - Havamal 4 Water, too, that he may wash before eating, Handcloth's and a hearty welcome, Courteous words, then...
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