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Magick Mondays - The Elements (AIR)
Magick Mondays - The Elements (AIR) Air is an elemental we interact with all the time it surrounds us and everything in existence. Its...

Magick Mondays - Oriax
Magick Mondays - Oriax Oriax is the fifty ninth entity of the goetia and rules over 30 legions of the Infernal host. He appears in the...

Magick Mondays - Wall Scrying
Magick Mondays - Wall Scrying There are many ways a person can scry and into many different objects, but one I have read about recently...

Magick Mondays - Amy
Magick Mondays - Amy Amy is the fifty eighth entity of the goetia and rules over 36 legions of the infernal host, he appears in the form...

Magick Mondays - Rune Chains (part 2) the Rituals
Magick Mondays - Rune Chains (part 2) the Rituals Firstly let us take a look at the traditional method, Originally runes were carved...

Magick Mondays - Ose
Magick Mondays - Ose Ose is the fifty seventh spirit of the goetia and rules over 30 legions of the infernal host, he appears in the...

Magick Mondays - Rune Chains (part 1)
Magick Mondays - Rune Chains (part 1) A recently found and really good way to use the magick of runes is to create something called a...

Magick Mondays - Gremory
Magick Mondays - Gremory Gremory is the fifty sixth entity of the goetia and rules over twenty six legions of the infernal host. He...

Magick Mondays - The 9 Demonic Kings
Magick Mondays - The 9 Demonic Kings The 9 Demonic Kings The first thing to acknowledge is what a demon is and what is their purpose....

Magick Mondays - Orobas
Magick Mondays - Orobas Orobas is the fifty fifth entity of the goetia and rules over 20 legions of the Infernal Host. He appears in the...
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