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Magick Mondays - Notch Candle Ritual (The Method I Use)
Magick Mondays - Notch Candle Ritual (The Method I Use) Candle magick is some of the most basic form of magic you can practice but can...

Magick Mondays - Leraje (Leraie)
Magick Mondays - Leraje (Leraie) The fourteenth entity of the goetia is Leraje, he rules over 30 legions of the Infernal host. He...

Magick Mondays - Create your own Ritual (The Method I Use)
Magick Mondays - Create your own Ritual (The Method I Use) Creating a Ritual Creating a Ritual is for me a major step in the advancement...

Magick Mondays - Beleth
Magick Mondays - Beleth Beleth is the thirteenth entity of the Goetia and rules over 85 legions of the infernal host. He appears in the...

Magick Mondays - Charging a Tool (The Method I Use)
Magick Mondays - Charging a Tool (The Method I Use) Charging a magickal tool is a basic form of energy Magick used to consecrate a piece...

Magick Mondays - Sitri
Magick Mondays - Sitri Sitri is the twelfth entity of the Goetia and rules over the 60 legions of the infernal host and appears with a...

Magick Mondays- Creating a Sigil
Magick Mondays- Creating a Sigil Creating a Sigil One major cornerstone in all magick is the use of sigils. No matter what path you go...

Magick Mondays - Gusion
Magick Mondays - Gusion Gusion is the eleventh Entity of the Goetia, He rules over 40 legions of the infernal host and appears in the...

Magick Mondays - Casting the Circle (The Method I Use)
Magick Mondays - Casting the Circle (The Method I Use) Casting the Circle (The Method I Use) One of the most basic forms of protective...

Magick Mondays - Buer
Magick Mondays - Buer Buer is the tenth entity of the Goetia, He rules over 50 legions of the Infernal spirits. He appears as a...
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