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Magick Monday - My Top 5 Favourite Magick Protection Rituals
Magick Monday - My Top 5 Favourite Magick Protection Rituals 5 Calling the Landveittr A ritual I recently came across is an Icelandic...

Magick Mondays - Crocell
Magick Mondays - Crocell Crocell is the forty ninth spirit of the Goetia and rules over 48 legions of the Infernal host. He appears in...

Magick Mondays - What is Magick?
Magick Mondays - What is Magick? "The science and art of causing change to occur, in conformity with will. Magick is the science of...

Magick Mondays - Haagenti
Magick Mondays - Haagenti Haagenti is the 48th entity of the goetia and rules over 33 legions of the infernal host. He appears as a...

Magick Mondays - Hag stones
Magick Mondays - Hag stones Hag stones also called Witch Stones, Adder Stones, Snake Eggs, Hex Stones, Fairy Stones, Holy Stones,...

Magick Mondays - Uvall
Magick Mondays - Uvall Uvall is the forty seventh entity of the goetia, and rules over 37 legions of the infernal host. He appears in...

Magick Mondays - The Witches Runestones
Magick Mondays - The Witches Runestones The Witches Runestones also called wyrd stones are a form of wiccan/saxon based divinatory...

Magick Mondays - Bifrons
Magick Mondays - Bifrons Bifrons is the forty sixth entity of the Goetia, and rules over 6 legions of the infernal host. He appears in...

Magick Mondays - Celtic Tree Astrology
Magick Mondays - Celtic Tree Astrology Celtic Astrology was created around 1000 BC by the Druids. The Druid beliefs were based on 3...

Magick Mondays - Vine
Magick Mondays - Vine Vine is the forty fifth entity of the goetia and one of the 9 demonic kings, he rules over 36 legions of the...
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