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Freyja’s Fridays - Daily Life
Freyja’s Fridays - Daily Life They were an incredibly clean people for that period of history, bathing regularly and by regularly I mean...

Witchy Wednesdays - 9 Herbs Charm
Witchy Wednesdays - 9 Herbs Charm The "Nine Herbs Charm" is an Old English charm recorded in the tenth-century CE Anglo-Saxon medical...

Magick Mondays - Witch/Spell Bottles
Magick Mondays - Witch/Spell Bottles Since almost as long as Magick and witchcraft have been around, people have tried to find a way to...

Freyja’s Fridays - Havamal 51
Freyja’s Fridays - Havamal 51 Hotter than fire among false hearts burns Friendship for five days, But suddenly slackens when the sixth...

Witchy Wednesday - Sage
Witchy Wednesday - Sage Sage is a perennial, evergreen sub shrub, with woody stems, greyish leaves, and blue to purplish flowers,...

Magick Mondays - Alloces
Magick Mondays - Alloces Alloces is the Fifty second entity of the goetia and rules over 36 legions of the infernal host. He appears as...

Freyja’s Fridays - Tyr
Freyja’s Fridays - Tyr So continuing the God series we have… Tyr God of Law and Justice Colours- Dark Red, Grey and Sky Blue Animals-...

Witchy Wednesdays - Olive
Witchy Wednesdays - Olive Olives are small evergreen fruit trees in the family Oleaceae that are native to the Mediterranean area of...

Magick Mondays - Runes
Magick Mondays - Runes With great shows such as Vikings and a rise in Nordic influences it is not uncommon to see people walking down...

Freyja’s Fridays - Havamal 50
Freyja’s Fridays - Havamal 50 The young fir that falls and rots Having neither needles nor bark, So is the fate of the friendless man:...
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