Norse Prayers: To Honour the Godesses
Honouring through prayer to the Gods and Goddesses is a basic principle when working with any Deities in any spirituality, it is really simple to do and requires nothing more than your belief and dedication, part of the work however is making these prayers your own, and so writing your own prayers is an essential part of working with them. Below are my Prayers that I wrote and have used a lot, the idea being you can take these and adapt them to your own words making the dedication a personal journey for yourself and whichever deity you work with.
Hail Frigg
Weaver of clouds
Goddess of Love and Marriage
Daughter of Fjorgynn
You who resides within Fensalir
Friend of falcons
Rider of the wild hunt
I honour you
Hail Frigg
Hail Freyja
The most Beautiful of the 9 realms
Goddess of Love and beauty
Daughter of Njordr and of Nerthus
You who resides within Sessrumnir
Lady of the honoured dead
Friend of Hildisvini
Wielder of Brisingamen
I honour you
Hail Freyja
Hail Saga
Teller of Tales
Goddess of Wisdom
Seeress of the Aesir
You who resides within Sokkvabekkr
Where the cool waters flow
You who drinks with Odin
I honour you
Hail Saga
Hail Idunn
Adorned with flowers
Goddess of youth and renewal
You who resides within Asgardr
Keeper of youth
Keeper of the Gold Epli
Gardner of the Aesir
I honour you
Hail Idunn
Hail Sol
Golden haired
Goddess of the Sun
Daughter of Mundilfari
You who resides in the skies
Bringer of the Sun
And wielder of Svalin
I honour you
Hail Sol
Hail Skadi
Friend of Winter
Goddess of Winter and Hunting
Daughter of Thjazi
You who resides in Thrymheimr
Untameable and wild
I honour you
Hail Skadi
Hail Nott
Night Bringer
Goddess of the Night
Daughter of Norvi
You who resides in the skies
Rider of Hrimfaxi
Bringer of the Night
I honour you
Hail Nott
Hail Hel
The Hidden One
The Beautiful and the Harrowing
Goddess of Death
Daughter of Loki and Angrbotha
Lady of Helheimr
You who resides in Eljudnir
Friend of the straw dead
Wielder of Hungr and Faemin
Rider of Helhest
I honour you
Hail Hel
Hail Eir
The Healer
Goddess of Healing and Childbirth
Healer of the Aesir
You who resides within Lyfjaberg
Handmaid of Frigg
Wielder of knowledge and medicine
I honour you
Hail Eir
Hail Hlin
Helper in Armour
Goddess of Protection and Solace
Handmaid of Frigg
Wielder of sverd and skjold
Protector of women
You who resides within Asgardr
I honour you
Hail Hlin
Hail Nanna
The Daring One
Goddess of Joy
Daughter of Nepr
You who resides within Breidablik
The Most sacred of deaths was yours
I honour you
Hail Nanna
Hail Snotra
Wise Worker
Goddess of Hard Work
You who resides is Asgardr
Handmaid of Frigg
Polite and wise
I honour you
Hail Snotra
Hail Thrudr
Goddess of Storms
Daughter of Thor and of Sif
You who resides in Bilskirnir
A Valhalla Valkyrie
Lust of Alviss
I honour you
Hail Thrudr
Hail Lofn
Goddess of Forbidden Love
Daughter of Hreidmar
You who resides in Asgardr
Handmaid of Frigg
Arranger of Marriage
Gentle in Manner
I honour you
Hail Lofn
Hail Sjofn
Affectionate one
Goddess of Love and Passion
You who resides in Asgardr
Handmaid of Frigg
Wielder of magick
I honour you
Hail Sjofn
Hail Gefjon
Generous one
Goddess of Agriculture
You who resides in Asgardr
Mother of Jotnar
Disguised wanderer
I honour you
Hail Gefjon
Hail Gna
Messenger of the Aesir
Goddess of the Breeze
You who resides in Asgardr
Handmaid of Frigg
Lover in all the realms
Astride Hofvarpnir
Soaring messenger
Wielder of Spear
I honour you
Hail Gna
Hail Var
The Pledge
Goddess of Oaths
You who resides in Asgardr
Handmaid of Frigg
Overseer of Contracts
I honour you
Hail Var
Hail Vor
Wise and aware
Goddess of Wisdom
You who Resides in Asgardr
Handmaid of Frigg
Protector of Diviners
I honour you
Hail Vor
Hail Fulla
Bountiful Virgin
Goddess of Fertility
You who resides in Asgardr
Handmaid of Frigg
Keeper of the Ashen Box
Receiver of secrets
I honour you
Hail Fulla
Hail Nerthus
Goddess of Earth and Waters
You who resides in Vanaheimr
Friend of cattle
Bringer of harvests
I honour you
Hail Nerthus
Hail Gullveig
Goddess of Seidr
Daughter of Hrimnir
Wielder of Magick
Reborn as Heidr
I honour you
Hail Gullveig
Hail Sif
Golden Haired
Goddess of Autumn and Harvest
Swan maiden
Bringer of the harvest
Season changer
I honour you
Hail Sif
Hail Jord
Mother Earth
Goddess of the Earth
Daughter of Annar and of Nott
You who resides in the 9 realms
Odin’s First
Wild and Free
Protector of nature
I honour you
Hail Jord