Ritual of the Gatekeepers
The ritual of the gatekeepers is a very powerful ritual, brought to light by E A Koetting. It is mentioned in his book ‘The Book of Azazel’ and is a way of opening up the lake of fire for a sort of black baptism in its fiery waters. It is a way of becoming more, a sort of god in your own right.
The first thing to do is in the middle of the ritual space, draw a large summoning circle on the floor. Around the circle draw 4 triangles of manifestation at each of the cardinal points. Bless the area using an elixir of manifestation whilst reciting the following.
“Pater noster, qui es in abyssus, potens nomen tuums, fiat voluntas tua, sicut in abyssus, et in terra. Exorcizo te, creatura sanguis in nomine satan omnipotentis, et in nomine antichristus et in virtute falsus vates. Ut fias sanguis exorcizata ad effugandem omnem, potestatem inimici, et ipsum inimicum eradicare, et explantare valeas cum angelis, et invito omnem maleficus spirite, per virtutem veneficium, maleficus ilicet”.
The Gateway itself can not be opened until gods power is removed. To do this place a clay tablet of the four archangels sigils at each of their cardinal directions inside the triangles. Uriel to the north, Raphael to the east, Michael to the south and Gabriel to the west. Starting in the east hold the clay tablet above your head and say ‘ before the infernal empire may arise, the kingdom of god must be destroyed’. Now break the tablet. Move around each of the points doing the same starting north and finishing back at east. Face east again and it is now time to evoke the gatekeepers.
The first is Amaymon, speak the words, “ Amaymon, I call you forth and conjure you, enter this temple, enter, this circle, enter my breath , enter my blood, enter my flesh, reside in my bones, speak to me , commune with me, take me into our body, take me into your soul, take me into the lake of fire and pass me through your flames, so that I may reside with you forever in darkness”. Now keep chanting Amaymon come until he appears.
Turn north and evoke Azazel the same way, speaking the words “ Azazel, I call you forth and conjure you, enter this temple, enter, this circle, enter my breath , enter my blood, enter my flesh, reside in my bones, speak to me , commune with me, take me into our body, take me into your soul, take me into the lake of fire and pass me through your flames, so that I may reside with you forever in darkness”. and chanting Azazel come until he appears.
Turn west and evoke Abaddon, speaking the words “ Abaddon, I call you forth and conjure you, enter this temple, enter, this circle, enter my breath , enter my blood, enter my flesh, reside in my bones, speak to me , commune with me, take me into our body, take me into your soul, take me into the lake of fire and pass me through your flames, so that I may reside with you forever in darkness”. Now chant Abaddon come until he appears.
Turn to the south , and evoke Belial , speak the words “ Belial, I call you forth and conjure you, enter this temple, enter, this circle, enter my breath , enter my blood, enter my flesh, reside in my bones, speak to me , commune with me, take me into our body, take me into your soul, take me into the lake of fire and pass me through your flames, so that I may reside with you forever in darkness”. Now chant Belial come until he appears.
Once all the gatekeepers are present welcome them to the temple and ritual and ask them to open the door to the lake of fire. You will start to black out , then a feeling of falling will overcome you. You will pass into the lake of fire and feel intense pain like you could not imagine as your humanity is stripped away. You will awaken in the ritual space, a changed person, you will feel different,it will change you, no longer human a sort of living god. Close down the ritual and use your new knowledge and power to continue down your path.