Magick Mondays- Channelling Entities (The Method I Use)
Magick Mondays- Channelling Entities (The Method I Use)
To begin make sure the room or area is dark and light a couple of candles, if you like you can relate the colour to the entity, get comfortable and make sure there is no distractions, I prefer to sit crossed legged but the choice is yours. Start by meditating by breathing in and out, in and out, drawing all your attention to your breaths, notice you chest rising and falling as you do and begin to count your breaths, keeping them nice and slow and steady. Empty your head of all thoughts, feelings and emotions, and just be one with yourself then focus on the sigil of an entity of your choice, make sure you have researched the entity and that its personality and attributes match what you want and if you have evoked them before just focus on their physical appearance. The use of enns is highly recommended for beginners. Allow its energy to surround you. Surrender yourself to it. Remember to keep breathing and allow all your thoughts and feelings and emotions to flow free. Let the thoughts of the entity come forth and manifest as your own intertwining with the entity’s conscious.
When you feel that your energies have merged together release control of your body and allow the entity to get in the drivers seat. You will be surrounded by blackness and will be able to hear the entity speak with your voice, this is common during channelling. When you are ready, or the second that you feel panicked, simply breathe, and begin to ask your mind for control back of your body. This will prompt the entity to step aside and allow you to regain control, The feeling of waking from a nap is common here.