Freyja’s Friday - Helheimr
Freyja’s Friday - Helheimr
Helheimr is one on the nine norse realms and where the dis honourable dead go, the most evil of them going to the lowest part called Niflhelr. This is where the goddess Hel resides, Helheimr itself is surrounded by a great fence called Nagrindr or “Corpse Fence”, this is guarded by Garmr, the great watchdog of Hel who lives in the cave Gnipahellir from there you must travel down Helvergr, “The Road to Hell,” where you will come to a river and bridge. The River is called Gjoll or “Loud Noise,” and the bridge is called Gjallarbru, “The Bridge over Gjoll”. Guarding this bridge is the Jotun Modgudr or “Furious Battle,” and after stands the great Hall of Eljudnir, or “Sprayed with Snow” which is the Hall of Hel. It has a threshold called Follandaforad or “Falling to Peril,” an actual Pitfall. Within these halls Hel feasts with the honoured souls who in life gave more than they took. The others are left in the freezing wastes of Helheimr. Beyond the hall is the wastes of Niflhel where the very worst souls linger and the area known as Nastrond or “The Corpse Shores,” where resides the Dragon Nidhoggr who eats the corpses of the honour less dead such as Oath breakers and Murderers. The rest will float in an acid lake for eternity..