Witchy Wednesdays - Witchbane
Witchy Wednesdays - Witchbane More commonly known as Rue, Witchbane is a small perrenial Shrub native to Europe, particularly in the south. It’s leaves are of a bluey green colour and grow of thickish stems, its flowers grow above the foliage and are a dull yellow in colour. Rue is a conventional season in ancient Roman, Greek and Mediterranean cuisine. Rue is quite bitter and sufficient amounts cause vomiting, so, only very small amounts are used. Most cats dislike the smell of it, and it can, therefore, be used as a deterrent to them. Its nickname Herb of Grace refers to its use with Holy Water. Priests used sprigs of rue to shake Holy Water on things that needed to be blessed.Rue is also a common ingredient in witchcraft and spell making. During the Middle Ages it was a symbol of recognition between witches. It is also purported to be one of the ingredients in Thieves Vinegar, used to ward off the Black Plague and was hung over doorways and windows to keep out evil spirits, and rubbed on the floors to keep out pests. Today, rue is worn or placed over the doorway to protect from the evil eye and you can even get a little rue-shaped amulet called a cimaruta. Rue may be placed over the third eye to assist with developing second sight and encourage psychic abilities. Mix dried rue with spring water and sprinkle it around the home to remove a jinx or invite peaceful vibrations.When used as a Tea or Incense, Rue can attract a Mate or a Love, and protects against a wrong Choice. Finally Long-term use of rue can lead to photo sensitivity and some people may experience contact dermatitis from handling it which results in burn-like blisters on the skin.