Witchy Wednesdays - Forget me nots
Witchy Wednesdays - Forget me nots Forget me nots otherwise known as Mouse ear are small little flowers of the borage family. They are native to North America and new zealand but with a couple of European varieties. They come in a range of colours but mainly blue, white, violet or pink with a yellow centre and growing about 1cm in diameter. They commonly have 5 petals around the flower. In Newfoundland, forget-me-nots were once used to commemorate the war dead. The herbalist Henry Lyte mentions that forget-me-not was known as scorpion-grass, and had ‘none other known name than this. One of the stories surrounding the origin of the name is As a knight and his lady walked along the river, the knight bent down to pick his lady some flowers, but he slipped and fell into the river and the weight of his armor bore him down. As he slipped beneath the water he cried out "Forget-me-not"! Forget-me-not has been used for lung problems and nose bleeds. However, there is some concern about liver damage and cancer. Magickally you can carry them close to your heart to keep a lover in mind or to keep your lover close.