Witchy Wednesday - Garlic
Witchy Wednesday - Garlic Little needs to be said about this iconic bulb. It is a member of the allium family with its reletives being the onions. It is native to central asia and was known to the Ancient Egyptians. When it grows the bulb is underground and the leaves shoot up from the ground to about 3 and half foot in height. In 2016, world production of garlic was 26.6 million tonnes, with China alone accounting for 80%. Obviousley garlic can be used for culinary dishes and in a wide range of dishes from all over the world. it is used much like an onion or sometimes even like a spice to flavour food. the only real inedible part is the papery skin.The sticky juice within the bulb cloves is used as an adhesive in mending glass and porcelain. Garlic was used as an antiseptic to prevent gangrene during World War I and World War II.It was first brought to the Americas on Columbus's second voyage. Its image has been found in Egyptian tombs depicted as an offering to the Gods. The pyramid builders of ancient Egypt were paid partially in garlic and Egyptians swore oaths on cloves of garlic. An Islamic legend claims that when Satan left the Garden of Eden, garlic and onions grew from his footprints. By growing garlic around other plants it will keep away pests and therefore disease. Magickally it was used to maintain health during the plague, as well as to ward off evil spirits, vampires, the evil eye and various spells and hexes. The ancient Greeks placed garlic at cross-roads as a supper for the goddess Hecate, or for protection to ward off demons. It is excellent in a new home, hang braids of garlic to ward off thieves and evil. For protection while sleeping, place under a pillow or make into a wreath placed above the bed. Eating and wearing garlic is said to improve agility, courage, and physical endurance.