Witchy Wednesdays - Honeysuckle
Witchy Wednesdays - Honeysuckle Honeysuckles are a name given to a range of around 180 different types of plants which are shrubby and are a climber. They are native to mainly China with over 100 species found there but with other varieties in Europe, America and India. They are long creeping climbers with oval shaped leaves which grow to around 10 cm in length and with Tubular and very sweet smelling flowers with an edible Nectar these come in a variety of colours. The berries however can be poisonous. The name honeysuckle comes from the tradition of children biting off the ends of the flowers to enjoy the drops of nectar inside. The sturdy stems of honeysuckle have been used to make rope as far back as the Bronze Age, and in parts of Britain are still commonly made into bridles and harnesses for pack ponies. Honeysuckle is poetically known as “Woodbine” in some old herbal manuals. Common Honeysuckle has traditionally been used for coughs and asthma as well as a diuretic and laxative, although its use is uncommon in modern herbalism due to the toxicity of the plant. As the honeysuckle entwines itself around branches the branches themselves become twisted. These make beautiful walking sticks and were once highly popular with Scots music hall performers. Honeysuckle is often used inside cat toys because the animals are attracted to the scent. It’s also used as a scent in different types of health and beauty products. Dried blossoms are available as an herbal supplement or speciality tea. Magickally Lightly crush the fresh flowers and then rub on the forehead to heighten psychic powers. f you eat the blossoms from a Honeysuckle bush, always leave a few of the best ones for the Fae. Be careful leaving a garden window open at night, because dreams of love are said to travel on Honeysuckle-scented air.Grow honeysuckle near your home to attract love, luck and wealth and to protect your garden from negative influences.