Witchy Wednesdays - Phlox
Witchy Wednesdays - Phlox Phlox is the name given to around 67 species of plant from the Americas most of them being perrenial. They grow to around 40cm and have 5 petaled flowers ranging from blue to pink to white. They also are very highly fragranced. The name is derived from the Greek word phlox meaning flame in reference to the intense flower colors of some varieties. Fertilized flowers typically produce one relatively large seed. A phlox native to South America is the national flower of Bolivia and Peru and is known as the "magic flower" and "sacred flower of the Incas". Phlox blossoms were used extensively in Victorian England for sending messages through tussie mussies and bouquets. Not only is their scent delightful, but their message is welcome, for phloxes mean a proposal of love and a wish for sweet dreams. The leaves of phlox were sometimes crushed and added to water to cure such ailments as skin disorders, abdominal pain, and problems with eyes. The leaves were also used as a gentle laxative. Magickally Phlox is also useful in meditations to help you to pluck up the courage, or find an appropriate way to express your love for someone. It can also be used in meditations to increase productivity and stop procrastinating. All types of phlox is useful for spellwork for encouraging groups of people (families, coworkers, grassroots organizations) to work together harmoniously toward a common goal.