The Hammer Rite
The hammer rite is an old norse protection ritual, similar to a wiccan casting circle. It is used to protect a small area or a person or group from spiritual or magickal attacks, whilst doing other magick works. It is a none mobile form of protection and so once used should be closed down. It also requires no tools to cast, although a ritual Mjolnir, an actual hammer not a pendant can be used.
To start with be in or with, the place or area or person you want to protect, and find and face north. The direction of Asgardr and Hel. In the Air draw the hammer sign, an inverted T with your fist or hammer, starting just in front of your face and going down as far as your waist then going across the waist. As you do speak the words “Hammer in the North, hallow and hold this sacred stead.” In front of your waist visualise a blue ball of energy appearing.
Move around to the east, and visualise the blue energy being dragged around with you creating a blue arc. When you are facing east make the hammer sign and speak the words “Hammer in the East, hallow and hold this sacred stead.” Move around and face south, drag the blue energy around with you creating a half circle. Make the hammer sign and speak the words “ Hammer in the South, hallow and hold this sacred stead.” Move around to the west, dragging around the blue energy to creat a three quarter circle, and make the hammer sign, speaking the words” Hammer in the West, hallow and hold this sacred stead.” Move around to face east once more dragging the energy to create a blue circle of energy surrounding the area, group or person.
Look above you make the sign of the hammer, this time saying the words “Hammer over me, hallow and hold this sacred stead.” Visualise the circle becoming a dome covering you. Face down, make the hammer sign and speak the words “ Hammer under me , hallow and hold this sacred stead.” Visualise the dome becoming a sphere of energy surrounding you, disappearing slightly into the ground. Place your fist over your heart and speak the words” In me Midgardr and Asgardr.” You can now continue with whatever work you need to do.
Once finished reverse your actions, this time however speaking the words “Hammer, thank you for holding this sacred stead,” at each point.